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Tour del Peloponneso e isole Ioniche su una barca di 17 metri con Chef




10 jours - 9 nuits

Nombre maximum de passagers:

4 personnes



Adaptée au voyageurs:

> 18 ans

Embarquement de:


Ce qui est inclus

Conditions d'annulation

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Organisée par:

Lulu' & Renato

Membre depuis 2015 -







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3 voyageurs ont choisi cette activité

Cette Activité, en bref

Grande expérience de navigation sur un Jeanneau 54 DS skippé par RYA Ocean Yachtmaster.

C’est une croisière très intéressante d’un point de vue culturel et paysager et en tant qu’expérience de navigation, passant de la mer Égée à la mer Ionienne, donc avec des vents et des vagues d’origines opposées : nous chercherons des abris et des baies pour nous arrêter en paix et nous ajusterons notre itinéraire en fonction des besoins dictés par la météo que nous apprendrons à consulter et à évaluer.

D’Ermioni (accessible en ferry rapide depuis le Pirée), nous longeons le Péloponnèse jusqu’au promontoire de Monemvasia, où nous nous arrêterons pour visiter la citadelle, puis nous continuerons vers le sud où nous rencontrerons

deux beaux îlots, Elafonissos et Kithira.

Ensuite, nous

nous dirigeons vers l’ouest où nous trouverons refuge dans une baie du territoire du Magne, le peuple guerrier auquel les Athéniens ont eu recours dans leurs guerres avec les Ottomans.

Des kilomètres plus loin et nous rencontrons l’une des bases des Vénitiens sur leur route de la soie, Koroni puis Methoni dominée par le château au lion de Saint-Marc.

En commençant l’ascension, nous nous arrêterons à Navarin, théâtre de la célèbre bataille navale et enfin à Zakynthos avec ses belles criques et encore plus au nord la mythique Ithaque et la Meganisi déchiquetée nous offriront un abri contre les vents du nord.

Nous arriverons ensuite à Lefkas où nous célébrerons la fin des belles vacances avec un bon dîner de poisson.

Aucun départ disponible

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Bateau & Classes de Service

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 54 DS - 2008




17 mètres

Salles de bains




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Notre itinéraire



Enregistrement : 17:00



Check-out : 17:00

Notre itinéraire

Imbarco a Ermioni (bus o ferry da Atene), poi sostiamo in luoghi unici come Monemvasia, Elafonissos, Kithira, Porto Kagio, Koroni , Methoni, lo storico golfo di Navarino, poi le Ioniche con Zante, Cefalonia, Itaca, arrivando a Lefkas (bus o taxi per aeroporto Atene o Preveza). L'itinerario può variare in base alle decisioni del comandante, alle richieste dell'equipaggio ma soprattutto in base alle condizioni meteomarine.

Questions fréquentes

Les avis de l'organisateur

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Organisée par:

Lulu' & Renato

Membre depuis 2015 -














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Mykonos et Serifos : les mythiques Cyclades sur un voilier de luxe avec chef


David H.



Had a wonderful time sailing with Renato and Luciana on their 54 Jenneau sail boat "Lulu"! The boat is very comfortable and sea kindly and Renato is an expert captain and "Lulu" a fantastic chef meals onboard were delishious! They know the best ports harbors and bays for swimming and sightseeing ashore. It was a great vacation plus sailing vacation very highly recommended and would definitely go again!
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De Kos à SANTORINI et IOS pour découvrir toutes les Cyclades avec un bateau de luxe - hôtesse/chef à bord


Antonio M.

Esperienza unica, con due professionisti del mare. La vacanza a vela riserva sempre tante avventure e a differenza di tante altre esperienze si basa molto sulla sensibilità dello skipper a definire il programma giornaliero sulla base delle previsioni meteo. Renato, con la sua vastissima esperienza, è riuscito a tirare fuori il meglio dalla settimana, facendoci esplorare posti straordinariamente belli. Lulú ha condito il tutto con lo stile e la cura dei dettagli, deliziandoci con la sua ottima cucina. La barca è stupenda, pulitissima e affidabile! Consigliatissimi.
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Du Dodécanèse à la Turquie loin des foules - Hôtesse / Chef à bord


Paola Z.



Barca bellissima, veramente molto curata. Ogni destinazione è stata raggiunta con successo e ogni località era un interessante attracco e luogo da visitare. Pasti a bordo eccellenti. Pulizia perfetta. Ottimi consigli per mangiare sulla terra ferma. Ho scelto volutamente la "cabina del marinaio" che ho trovato divertente ed accessoriata . Necessaria agilità fisica per usufruirne . Peccato troppo calda al pomeriggio per me che sono abituata a riposare . Avevo il mio piccolo ventilatore per la notte . Per la sua collocazione a prua, concede privacy. Impattante lo spazientirsi del comandante durante le manovre o le attività pratiche a bordo. All'inizio mi ha fatta sentire fuori posto ma dopo un chiarimento, ci siamo sistemati. Può essete dura per alcuni proprietari rapportarsi anche con indolenti ospiti in vacanza ma io cerco relax ed esperienze di viaggio. Comunque ripartirei subito su Lulu boat con Luciana e Renato, Silvia Michele Antonio e Paolo, compagni di vacanza TOP
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Nous traversons la mer Egée d'Athènes à Mikonos et Kos : les plus belles Cyclades - Hôtesse Chef à bord


Frédéric B.



++wild bays visited ++food on the boat boat ++beautiful, ++maintained and ++comfortable +treated like private guests -not like paying customers -every act (wake up, breakfast, swimming, changing back to dry clothes, smoking..) was strictly timed. Without ANY obvious reason (plenty of time to sail to the next point) -6 sailing days booked. In total only 3 hours on sail, the rest on motor (no wind when we were out) & 2 days spent in harbors because the wind could be too strong. No effort made when noticed that we could have have (sportively) sailed. Frustrating to see sailing boats offshore while being on a beach/village -communication rather existent. When R. feels challenged by a question, he overreacts (Ex: by leaving the commands of the boat to us because we dared to ask if we could use sails instead of motor OR by calling us "new rich people" when we asked for the final count for the EUR 400 pp for the current expenses.) -age 48?!? -no instruction -feeling to be at the wrong place -------- SKIPPER ANSWER ------------- Dear Frederic, We are sorry that your first boat experience did not meet your expectations. On the boat there are rules to be respected regarding smoking (unthinkable to smoke while sailing and in the cabin!), order and cleanliness so that everyone is comfortable. The itinerary you have chosen (From Athens to Kos) is an adventurous choice for those who love to travel many miles. Unfortunately the wind cannot be booked and when it is too strong for safety reasons we stop. Sailing cannot be learned in a week and neither can education. Leave the cabin in the shameful condition in which you left it (literally throw away sheets) and then ask for the final report, which, as you were told, can be consulted at any time and available to everyone (with receipts and invoices) on the table from correspondence, two days after finishing the cruise, it is incomprehensible. It was not a pleasant experience for us.

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