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Offerte vacanza Traversate in Cicladi con skipper

Traversate: scegli tra oltre 3 proposte in Cicladi. Un'esperienza unica con uno skipper locale, a partire da 350€ a settimana.



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Recensioni - Offerte vacanza Traversate in Cicladi con skipper

36 recensioni

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Da Kos a SANTORINI e IOS per scoprire tutte le Cicladi con una barca di lusso - hostess/chef a bordo


Antonio M.

Esperienza unica, con due professionisti del mare. La vacanza a vela riserva sempre tante avventure e a differenza di tante altre esperienze si basa molto sulla sensibilità dello skipper a definire il programma giornaliero sulla base delle previsioni meteo. Renato, con la sua vastissima esperienza, è riuscito a tirare fuori il meglio dalla settimana, facendoci esplorare posti straordinariamente belli. Lulú ha condito il tutto con lo stile e la cura dei dettagli, deliziandoci con la sua ottima cucina. La barca è stupenda, pulitissima e affidabile! Consigliatissimi.
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Mini crociera LAST MINUTE da Amorgos ad Astipalea


Luca T.



Fulvio, an experienced captain, embodies the essence of Italian maritime expertise, infusing his vast knowledge and genuine passion for the sea into his teachings. Under his guidance, we embarked on secure and serene voyages to offbeat destinations, seamlessly blending the beauty of the sea with enriching cultural immersions and unforgettable excursions. This voyage was not only a nautical adventure but also a celebration of the great Italian vibe.
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Attraversiamo l’Egeo da Atene a Mikonos e Kos: le Cicladi più belle - Hostess Chef a bordo


Frédéric B.



++wild bays visited ++food on the boat boat ++beautiful, ++maintained and ++comfortable +treated like private guests -not like paying customers -every act (wake up, breakfast, swimming, changing back to dry clothes, smoking..) was strictly timed. Without ANY obvious reason (plenty of time to sail to the next point) -6 sailing days booked. In total only 3 hours on sail, the rest on motor (no wind when we were out) & 2 days spent in harbors because the wind could be too strong. No effort made when noticed that we could have have (sportively) sailed. Frustrating to see sailing boats offshore while being on a beach/village -communication rather existent. When R. feels challenged by a question, he overreacts (Ex: by leaving the commands of the boat to us because we dared to ask if we could use sails instead of motor OR by calling us "new rich people" when we asked for the final count for the EUR 400 pp for the current expenses.) -age 48?!? -no instruction -feeling to be at the wrong place -------- SKIPPER ANSWER ------------- Dear Frederic, We are sorry that your first boat experience did not meet your expectations. On the boat there are rules to be respected regarding smoking (unthinkable to smoke while sailing and in the cabin!), order and cleanliness so that everyone is comfortable. The itinerary you have chosen (From Athens to Kos) is an adventurous choice for those who love to travel many miles. Unfortunately the wind cannot be booked and when it is too strong for safety reasons we stop. Sailing cannot be learned in a week and neither can education. Leave the cabin in the shameful condition in which you left it (literally throw away sheets) and then ask for the final report, which, as you were told, can be consulted at any time and available to everyone (with receipts and invoices) on the table from correspondence, two days after finishing the cruise, it is incomprehensible. It was not a pleasant experience for us.
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Da Milos ad Atene ...un Egeo da risalire


violaine l.



Nous (parents et nos 6 enfants de 8 à 17 ans) sommes revenus emballés de notre croisière dans les cyclades avec Alessandro. Belles navigations malgré un vent puissant ! Il a su nous garder sereins et nous faire découvrir de très beaux endroits toujours dans la joie et la bonne humeur. Nous recommandons chaleureusement !

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