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First time on a boat

The benefits of the sea on children

Family boating vacations with children

Vacation sailing is synonymous with adventure, discovery, lots of happiness and above all countless benefits for the little ones

A sailing cruise is a fascinating experience for families. You visit beaches and coves with a whole new perspective, decide where to stop, and have no particular constraints on pace or schedule. You can decide whether to rely on an experienced skipper and enjoy the vacation in total relaxation, or if you are a parent-skipper you can rent a boat exclusively for the whole family.

Life on a sailboat is a continuous source of adventure, fun and discovery for children. Sailing with children is not only perfectly safe, but they will learn a large number of new skills, have positive and formative experiences, and the whole family will spend quality time together carrying with them beautiful memories that will last forever. 

Numerous scientific studies underscore the importance of the sea for everyone's health, especially for young children. The benefits are indeed many, so much so that pediatricians, and especially dear grandmothers (who always know a little more), have always recommended taking children to the sea. But why? Have you ever wondered? The reasons are varied, below you can read some of them!

Here are all the benefits of the sea for children

Sunshine, good for bones and skin

Sunshine, good for bones and skin

The sun is scientifically proven to be good for bones and skin. It stimulates the production of vitamin D, which is essential for proper bone development, especially in children, and is very important in preventing some serious diseases. The benefits of the sun also extend to the skin, helping greatly in cases of atopic dermatitis, which particularly affects children, and eczema as long as it is properly protected with the proper sunscreens. Of course, it is always important not to expose children to the sun during the middle hours of the day, during which they can shelter in the cockpit under the awning.



The second natural element found in marine places (and also in abundance) is definitely salt water. Children suffering from psoriasis and eczema will find benefits from salt water, which also contains very important minerals such as sodium chloride, magnesium and iodine salts.

Air, a real natural aerosol!

Air, a real natural aerosol!

Sea air is good for everyone, but even better for children! It is rich in iodine, magnesium, potassium and other minerals. Breathing it cleanses the respiratory tract, acting preventively against typical winter ailments. In fact, sea air stimulates the immune system, which will cope better with attacking bacteria. In addition, the greater heaviness of sea air promotes breathing, ensuring better oxygenation of the blood.

The sea as a regulator of the sleep-wake rhythm

The sea as a regulator of the sleep-wake rhythm

For all those parents who would like their children to sleep better, it is very likely that thanks to the time spent outdoors in the sunshine, the production of melatonin (a hormone that induces nighttime rest) is increased, and then, the sound of the sea conciliates bedtime: the sound of crashing waves creates a familiar memory for children, which makes them remember their mother's womb!

 The sea: healthy carrier of Happiness

The sea: healthy carrier of Happiness

Numerous studies have shown that the sea increases the production of endorphins and serotonin-the hormones of euphoria and good mood. The climate, the sea with its blue color and waves, and the beautiful landscape create a mix of elements that will improve mood and give serenity making your children definitely happier!

More sensitive and nature-loving

More sensitive and nature-loving

Children by being in contact with crabs, small fish, snails and hermit crabs will fall in love with nature. All these creatures can be learned more about on the beach and in the sea by snorkeling! Being in contact with nature from an early age helps children stimulate their imagination and sensitivity

To bring children closer to nature and sustainability issues, don't miss the Whale Watching Cruises in collaboration with WWF Travel, during which, thanks to the biologist on board, they can learn a lot about marine species, how to spot them and respect them and their environment.

Source of endless fun

Source of endless fun

At sea, especially on a boat, children will find endless ways to experience fun. From morning to night, the things to do on the boat multiply, and each child will be delighted to bring his or her own contribution to the activities on board, according to his or her abilities and age. Younger children can set out on the bow to spot dolphins, or help the skipper and adults with less strenuous activities, such as learning to tie knots and trying their hand at studying the route to the next swim. Older ones, will be happy to be assigned "big" responsibilities: helping steer the boat, lowering sails, dropping anchor, or supporting in maneuvers. Then if there are other children on board with you or the skipper's children, the group's strength and desire to discover will be even greater! The sailboat, functions as a great floating toy for all ages, and will only challenge the imagination of young and old alike.

An unforgettable holiday on board a sailing boat

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6 reasons to choose a sailing vacation with your children

  • Quality time off with your children

    You will spend quality time together talking, playing and having fun without the distractions of daily life such as smartphones, video games or television. You will enjoy leisure time together with your children in the healthiest way possible.

  • Whole boat or shared boat?

    You can choose to rent a boat all to yourself or share the experience with other families and allow your children to make new friends.

  • Learning while having fun

    Your kids will be able to discover new passions. They will spend their time on the boat trying their hand at different activities, have a chance to try new things and decide what they like best. Perhaps they will get hooked on sailing and want to learn more and continue it when they return home.

    Together with your children you will learn the true meaning of teamwork. Sailing with children is a sport is a family activity. Everyone will be able to help with various tasks, and you will deal together with any problems that may arise while sailing while also teaming up with the other families on board.

    The sea will be a school of life for children. It has always been for adults and even more so for children. Living even for a few days on a sailboat will allow them to learn things they would not learn anywhere else.

  • Freedom and new discoveries

    Children on board will experience the true spirit of adventure, on the open sea, sailing under full sail and discovering new places every day.


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