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2 Catamarans in Greece: discover the Sporades Islands with us

Next Departure:

August 19, 2025




11 days - 11 nights

Max number of passengers:

16 people



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Organised by:

Giuseppe Z.

Member since 2012 -




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5 travellers have chosen this experience

This experience, in a nutshell

Sailing in a flotilla on a sailing boat is a unique and unforgettable experience!

Are you curious to experience it too?

Come with us to discover the Sporades Islands!

We'll sail together aboard two catamarans between the fantastic and windy islands of the Aegean Sea.

We will set sail from Skiathos and sail under full sail among the thousand inlets of the islets that we will meet in the archipelago: Skopelos, Alonnisos, Peristera, Panagia and Skantzoura, within wonderful marine oases.

We will be able to savor the beauty of the solitary sun-kissed islands, dive into turquoise waters and enjoy the days in the cheerful company of new friends, up to aperitifs at sunset and dinners in the marinas or under the stars, before falling asleep in the roadstead in the moonlight in one of the many protected bays.

The Sporades (the toponym means scattered or scattered), mountainous islands dispersed in an extraordinarily clear sea, are divided into two groups: Northern Sporades, which we visit during the cruise and Eastern Sporades located along the coast of Asia Minor.

In its set of islands, the archipelago describes a sickle curve starting from the southern corner of the Trikeri peninsula to the north up to the small semi-submerged rock of Psathoura.

There are four main islands: Skiatos and Skopelos, the most touristy, Alonnisos and Skiros the most unspoiled together with numerous smaller uninhabited islands.

The Sporades are very green, the vegetation is one of their great strengths. It seems that the Sporades breathe deeply (and indeed they do) in their pine forests, which sometimes stop but only when the sea decides it.

The beautiful landscapes and beautiful sandy beaches attract more and more tourists to the archipelago's most easily accessible islands.

The Meltemi does not blow in the Northern Sporades as intensely as in the southernmost areas. It generally comes from the north-northeast, but its direction is greatly altered by the islands and the channels that separate them. The islands block much of the long sea that comes from the north. The combination of meltemi and flat seas along the sheltered shores of the islands makes sailing very exciting.

We are waiting for you to discover all this and much more! 


• A soft itinerary, without long crossings against the wind or in rough seas.

• Circular program that allows you to visit different places every time.

• Modest on-site expenses.

• Hot and dry weather in August 

• Scheduled stops in relation to the prevailing wind

P.S.: The itinerary may change at any time at the captain's decision, especially due to adverse weather conditions.


11 days - 11 nights

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Boat & Classes of Service

Lagoon Lagoon 42 - 2021




12.8 m.





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Our itinerary

Our trip starts here:


Check-in: 5:00 PM

Our trip ends here:


Check-out: 9:00 AM

Leg 1


It is the only one closest to the mainland coast also called the Greek Riviera. Almost the entire population lives in the town of Skiathos. In recent years, the country of Skiathos has grown to become a sort of small Mykonos with discos, bars and good restaurants open until late at night. During the summer the resort is a destination for tourists attracted by the beautiful sandy beaches, however the atmosphere remains genuine and the inhabitants are friendly.

Leg 2


Like Skiathos, Skopelos is also densely covered with pine forests and very fertile. Vineyards, olive trees, almond trees, pears, lemons and plums are cultivated there, for which the island is renowned. It is cultivated more intensively than in Skiathos and the inhabitants are more conservative. The capital is Skopelos on the east coast of the island.

Loutraki is a small tourist resort and the quiet village of the past is now a destination for tourists from Skiathos, attracted by the beautiful beaches that stretch southeast of the marina. The new paved and shaded paths run around the harbour and lead to the seafront cafes in the village. The village above Glossa rewards the tiring climb, even if only to go to the Agnanti trattoria where the view and the cuisine are magnificent. 

Leg 3


Formerly known as Ilkos, this undulating and wooded island relies on donkeys, gulets or motor vehicles for transport. The old capital of Alonnisos, which rests on a hill in the south of the island, was almost abandoned following the violent earthquake of 1965. The inhabitants moved to Patitiri and Votsi, to return and renovate most of the houses in the village.

As with the other islands of the archipelago, the capital has been moved from the village on the hill to the port. Patitiri is a delightful town enclosed to the south by cliffs and pine-covered hills that attract an increasing number of tourists.

Alonissos benefited in part from the effect of the film Mamma Mia which involved in particular Skopelos and Skiathos, where it was filmed. Here the sea is so transparent that one wonders if it is real or not.

Leg 4


Only sailors arrive in Peristeri. The islet of Peristeri is the frontier for the marine park of the Northern Sporades, the solitary kingdom of the monk seal, Kri Kri goats (an ancient breed), cormorants, partridges and white geese. With the exception of Piperi, in the heart of the park, where navigation is allowed only three miles away from its coast, all the islands of the park can be visited.

All the islets are fabulous, the sea is beautiful and the coves where you drop anchor are so inviting that you don't want to leave!

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The organiser reviews

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Organised by:

Giuseppe Z.

Member since 2012 -





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Greece Cruise in the Sporades - 2 Catamarans & 1 Sailboat


Claudio M.



Bellissima vacanza immersa in panorami e rade mozzafiato. Fantastica interpretazione di questo Magico arcipelago che ci ha lasciato un ricordo indelebile di bellezza, armonia e divertimento. Bravissmi, esperti e simpaticissimi gli skipper che sento di dover citare per nome: Pepi, Gabriele e Fabri. Grazie di cuore a Voi per aver saputo proporre un viaggio così affascinante. E grazie anche a tutti quelli che vi hanno partecipato, che si sono rivelati interessanti e smaliziati q.b.. Rifarlo? SIIIIIII, ANCHE SUBITO!!! ANZI.... SUBITISSIMO!!! 🔝🔝🔝
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Flotilla in the Porquerolles archipelago - End the summer on a sailing boat!


Francesco M.



E' stato il mio primo viaggio in barca a vela ed è sttao fantastico. Tutto perfetto, Giuseppe ha organizzato tutto con attezione, compresa la scelta dell'equipaggio. Tutte persone simpatiche disponibili e collaborative. Giuseppe ha una grandissima esperienza nell'organizzare queste vacanze ed un ottima organizzazione alle spalle. Le isole che abbiamo visitato sono bellissime ed anche il tempo è stato bello ... (ma forse questo non è dipeso da GIuseppe) :) :) Grazie Francesco da Roma
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10 days of pure relaxation and comfort in the Dodecanese (1st Round)


Jacques-Daniel B.

Se stai cercando una vacanza che combina divertimento, avventura, relax e nuove amicizie hai trovato ciò che fa al caso tuo! Io e la mia ragazza ci siamo imbarcati senza conoscere nessuno dell'equipaggio ed è stato fantastico. Abbiamo avuto modo di stringere delle bellissime amicizie e di divertirci un sacco. Lo skipper è stato bravissimo! Ci ha portato in posti paradisiaci e si è dimostrato estremamente disponibile in ogni tipo di situazione. Di giorno ci spostavamo in posti diversi per fare il bagno e visitare splendide isole, mentre la sera solitamente mangiavamo in delle taverne davvero particolari. Il buon cibo e la compagnia rendevano le serate magnifiche! Onestamente consiglio a tutti di provare un'esperienza del genere! Probabilmente smetterai di passare le tue vacanze in spiagge affollate per prediligere la barca anche negli anni successivi. Come già detto, lo skipper è stato fantastico e ha contribuito molto a rendere la vacanza perfetta! Grazie di cuore :) :) :)
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10 days of pure relaxation and comfort in the Dodecanese (1st Round)


Dennis Z.



Organizzazione decisamente carente se non inesistente; vacanza venduta come flottiglia ma il capo skipper (Giuseppe) era più che evidente fosse interessato unicamente alle persone presenti sul suo catamarano che ha volutamente tenuto distaccate dalle persone salvo poi dire che erano loro ad aver voluto così ma in realtà parlando occasionalmente con alcune ragazze è emerso che questo non era assolutamente vero. Giuseppe ha dimostrato anche poca professionalità nel gestire le problematiche presentatesi con i clienti disinteressandosi delle obbiezioni avanzate forte del fatto che i soldi li aveva già incassati. Uno dei catamarani è stato fatto partire x la navigazione pur sapendo che aveva un danno alle vele che ne comprometteva la navigazione senza motore e questo non è ammissibile. Nella barca a vela da 46 piedi ha inserito 10 persone più lo skipper (11) tra l'altro due posti in murata assolutamente impraticabili x una persona adulta. Dennis

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