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Enjoy sail: un Viaggio nel mare delle Eolie con Skipper e Marinaio


Aeolian Islands


6 days - 7 nights

Max number of passengers:

10 people



Suitable for travellers:

20 - 50 years

Boarding from:


What's included

Cancellation policy

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Organised by:

Luca C.

Member since 2019 -




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13 travellers have chosen this experience

This experience, in a nutshell

Let yourself be overwhelmed by an unusual holiday. Boarding is scheduled from Lipari to proceed with the visit of Panarea, Stromboli, Salina, Filicudi, Vulcano
Our cruise is for singles or small groups of friends. It will take place at a slow pace, trying to optimize navigation between the islands and dedicating most of the day to discovering the most beautiful and hidden places of the Aeolian archipelago.

Seven days on board a comfortable sailboat, immersed in the unspoiled beauty of the Aeolian Islands.
Our recipe for a good holiday is: good music, sailing, and a diversified cuisine with local products and of course tasting good Sicilian wine, for those who want an authentic experience.
You will be pampered by your Skipper in everything: what to do, where to go and some hints about the history of these wonderful islands

Cabins with private and shared bathrooms
The price on this page is for DOUBLE BATHROOM SHARED CABINS. Write to me by clicking the "contact the organizer" button to receive the quotation of the DOUBLE CABIN WITH PRIVATE BATHROOM

During the holiday we will sail in the company of the skipper's boat Andrea A.

No Departures available

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Boat & Classes of Service

Beneteau Cyclades 50.5 - 2006




15.24 m.





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Our itinerary

Our trip starts here:


Check-in: 6:00 PM

Our trip ends here:


Check-out: 8:00 AM

Leg 1

Lipari (Italy)

Our tour to discover the Aeolian Islands starts from Lipari  , where from 18:00 on Saturday, our guests can embark at the pier 'Eolmare presso Porto Pignataro' After the assignment of the cabins and after the briefing with the Skipper, everyone at the supermarket to stock up! The first moment to share with the other members of the crew, an excellent opportunity to get to know each other. In the evening, dinner in a typical restaurant and walk through the streets of the center of Lipari, enlivened by several outdoor venues with live music.

Leg 2


On Sunday morning you cast off your moorings, as soon as you set sail, you feel pervaded by a new sense of freedom that will accompany you for the rest of the week. What better way to start our holiday? After that we will continue to Panarea, the most chic of the seven sisters, about 9 miles of navigation. Once we reach Panarea, we will make a stop at Cala Junco, a nature reserve and a beautiful setting for a relaxing swim. Lunch on board. In the afternoon, if the mistral breeze allows it, you can sail again, perhaps circumnavigating the island, and then stop, now close to sunset, near Dattilo. From here we could witness a breathtaking spectacle: the warm light of the sunset illuminates the islets in front of Panarea (Dattilo, Lisca bianca, Bottaro, Basiluzzo) and its colors mix with the yellow of the sulfur and the dark red of the iron that characterize their rocks, generating an unparalleled light show. And now everyone on the ground to walk through the streets of the town, and then meet all together for an aperitif at  the Sushi Bar. Those who want can spend the night in the most famous disco of the Aeolian Islands,  the Raya, alternatively, we will spend the night in Baia Milazzese, more sheltered and quiet. Night at anchor.

Leg 3


On Monday morning it will be the turn of Basiluzzo, which with its basalts offers a wonderful setting for a swim and for moments of relaxation. Afterwards we will move to Iddu, one of the most active volcanoes in Europe, the volcano of Stromboli.

In the afternoon it will be possible to go ashore to visit the town. At sunset we will set sail to admire the spectacle of the Sciara del fuoco , the side of the island from which it is possible to observe the explosions of the volcano, and then sail at night to Panarea where we will sleep.

Leg 4


Tuesday will be dedicated to Salina,  the largest island, after Lipari, of the Aeolian archipelago. In the morning we will head towards Pollara, a bay north-west of Salina, characterized by a high coast overlooking the sea. In these evocative places, Troisi chose to shoot numerous scenes of The Postman. In its vicinity it is also possible to admire a splendid natural arch. We will stop here for the rest of the morning and after a swim, we will prepare a great lunch. Refreshed by the post-lunch relaxation, we will move towards Lingua after half an hour of navigation where we will find one of the best granitas of the Aeolian Islands, that of Alfredo. We advise you to choose the combination of figs and mulberries, perhaps accompanied by cream and brioche. Mouth-watering!

Leg 5


On Wednesday morning we will sail to Filicudi,  if we are lucky we will meet a pod of dolphins or why not, some sea turtles, not rare encounters in these parts! We will stop near Capo Graziano to fully enjoy the charm of the island. In the afternoon we will move to  Pecorini a Mare, a very picturesque fishing village. Time for a swim in front of the village and then on land, for a beer by the sea at the Saloon, perhaps nibbling on some homemade specialties! If we're lucky, our arrival could coincide with the stop of some fishing boats. In this case it will be possible to buy some excellent swordfish for dinner on the boat. Alternatively, it is possible to dine in the only restaurant in the village: La Sirena.

Leg 6

Filicudi, Lipari and Vulcano

On Thursday morning we will stay in Filicudi, but we will move near the  Canna, a stack of volcanic origin that rises from the waters several hundred meters from the coast. Here you can stay at anchor and enjoy the wonderful emerald water. It will surely be one of the bathrooms that will stick with you the most! In the early afternoon we will sail until we arrive near the stacks of Lipari. Here, too, the coast is high and overlooking the sea and is a great place to watch the sunset. We will take advantage of the last light of the day to move to Vulcano, in the bay of Ponente. Here we will go down to the São Paulo for a dancing aperitif on the Black Beaches and a walk in the village.

Leg 7

Vulcano and Lipari

On Friday morning we will move to the west side of Vulcano One of the most usual stops is near the Grotta del Cavallo and the pools of Venus. Here the coast is very varied and rich in reddish colors typical of the island of Vulcano. Before returning to port in Lipari we will have time for a last swim at the beach of Vinci. From here we will be able to admire the crater of Vulcano, with its fumaroles and its intense yellow due to the large concentrations of sulphurous rocks. 5:00 p.m., it's time to return to Lipari, before the gas station closes! We will moor again at the pier of Porto Pignataro and spend a last evening together.

Last night on the boat, on Saturday morning disembarkation is scheduled for 9:00 am.

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The organiser reviews

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Organised by:

Luca C.

Member since 2019 -





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Enjoy sail: un Viaggio nel mare delle Eolie con Skipper e Marinaio


Rosalia S.



Prima esperienza un barca, che ha soddisfatto tutte le mie aspettative.. Nonostante il meteo inizialmente non bellissimo, abbiamo visitato tutte le mete previste dal programma in totale sicurezza. Emanuele e Andrea sono stati super accoglienti e disponibili, hanno contribuito a creare un bel gruppo da subito e ci hanno deliziato con ottimi piatti. Esperienza da ripetere.
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Enjoy sail: un Viaggio nel mare delle Eolie con Skipper e Marinaio


Giulia T.



Avventura, divertimento, relax, libertà, spensieratezza, risate fino alle lacrime, canti fino a perdere la voce: è difficile racchiudere in poche righe una settimana a bordo di Lotus. Quella che doveva essere una semplice settimana di vacanza in barca a vela si è trasformata in un’esperienza intensa ed indimenticabile, un viaggio unico ed autentico attraverso i colori, i suoni, i sapori e i profumi delle Eolie. Luca ed Emanuele hanno saputo rendere speciale ogni aspetto di questa esperienza. Nonostante il meteo variabile ed incerto che ci ha accompagnati per tutta la settimana, con professionalità e dedizione hanno saputo adattare costantemente il programma di viaggio alle condizioni meteo - marine per permetterci di immergerci al 100% nei panorami mozzafiato delle isole e per vivere quante più esperienze possibile in mare e a terra, ma mettendo sempre al primo posto la sicurezza di tutto l’equipaggio. Non c’è stato un solo istante in cui non mi sia sentita al sicuro. Grazie ad una sapiente gestione della cambusa e ad un’accurata scelta di ingredienti tipici locali, hanno regalato a tutto l’equipaggio aperitivi, pranzi e cene da leccarsi i baffi. Oltre alle 5 stelle per l’esperienza in barca a vela, si meriterebbero anche una stella Michelin! Ma Luca ed Emanuele non hanno solamente gestito la barca, l’itinerario e la cambusa: ci hanno coccolati dall’inizio alla fine, permettendo ad ogni membro del gruppo di esprimere al meglio sé stesso e di trovare la sua dimensione, ed hanno saputo creare l’atmosfera perfetta affinché un gruppo di perfetti sconosciuti diventasse una crew coesa ed affiatata, rendendo così indimenticabile ogni attimo passato a bordo. Tra una sessione di snorkeling in acque cristalline e una salita ai promontori più alti delle isole per godersi il paesaggio, tra un’alba gustata da un’amaca ondeggiante in mezzo al mare e un aperitivo sorseggiato ammirando il tramonto, tra balli scatenati e cantate a squarciagola, tra una lezione di vela durante la navigazione e un pisolino al sole a prua… la settimana è volata via in un secondo! Grazie Luca ed Ema per tutte le emozioni che mi avete fatto vivere: siete riusciti a far innamorare della potenza del mare e del fascino della barca a vela anche un’amante della montagna come me! Il tempo potrà anche sbiadire i ricordi di quello che ho visto e i nomi dei posti in cui mi avete portata, ma quello che ho provato in quei giorni in mezzo al mare insieme a voi rimarrà ben impresso nel mio cuore. Non vedo l’ora di risalire a bordo!
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A Journey in the Egadi Sea with Skipper and Sailor


Luca P.



Ottima esperienza luoghi fantastici. Luca ed Emanuele ti mettono subito a tuo agio e la vacanza scorre tranquilla tra un aperitivo ed un pranzo ( o cena)
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A Journey in the Egadi Sea with Skipper and Sailor


Sybille K.



Una settimana indimenticabile! La barca, le isole, la crew e i skipper tutto TOP! I piatti che ci hanno preparato, una delizia! Non vedo l‘ora di tornare con loro in barca, mi sono trovata benissimo. Grazie ancora tantissimo

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